
Writing your own Functions

The VMware Event Broker Appliance (VEBA) uses Knative as a Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platform. If you are looking to understand the basics of functions, start here. You can also get started quickly with these quickstart templates.

Table of Contents


This guide describes how to create a function with PowerCLI (PowerShell) to apply a vSphere tag when a Virtual Machine is powered on.

Note: The following steps assume VMware Event Broker Appliance has been installed (configured with Knative) and is running correctly. Access to the Kubernetes environment in VEBA via kubectl is also assumed to be working.

A template for Knative PowerCLI functions is available in kn-pcli-template. If you do not want to build all of the required files from scratch, you can copy all of the files from this template directory. Follow the instructions in the README instead of the instructions on this page.

To create a function from scratch, continue with the instructions on this page.


First, create a directory for your function code, credentials (implemented via Kubernetes secrets) and test files.

mkdir tag-fn && cd tag-fn

Before we start looking at the actual function business logic (inside handler.ps1), let’s discuss how secrets, such as credentials, are injected and used inside a function.

Credentials (Secrets)

There’s multiple ways to inject credentials or other forms of secrets into a VEBA function.

The schema and encoding of your credentials is flexible and will be projected into your function using OS environment variables (can be changed). The decoding/interpretation of these environment variables needs to be handled in your function code.

For example, if you need to inject a secure token (e.g. from Slack) into your function, you can simply write that token into a plain file and create a secret from it (steps will be shown later). This token will be projected into your function via a (customizable) environment variable and can be read via your standard programming/scripting language primitives.

If you have more complex secrets or credentials, e.g. a set of username, password, server URL, etc. we recommend using a JSON structure (again in a plain text file). After creating a secret, the information in this file will be projected as a single environment variable string into your function. You then need to decode (parse) that string into a proper structure, e.g. PSCustomObject or hashmap in PowerShell, dict in Python or struct in Go.

Also, instead of creating multiple secrets or other forms of objects to hold your configuration data, one can collapse all information into one file (secret). This has PROs and CONs, e.g. is easier to reason about because all information is projected into one environment variable and data structure. But on the other hand might violate separation of concerns by mixing different information (and data classifications) into one object.

To make this topic more tangible, the following example creates two files (holding a simple token and somewhat more complex authentication credentials including some other configuration data needed for this example). These files will be used to create one Kubernetes secret (with multiple environment variable entries) in a subsequent step.

# create a text file holding a simple token
cat << EOF > simple_token.txt

# create a JSON file holding credentials and configuration information
cat << EOF > vc_creds.json
  "VCENTER_SERVER": "https://vc-prod-01.corp.local",
  "VCENTER_USERNAME" : "service-account-01",
  "VCENTER_PASSWORD" : "imInsecure",
  "VCENTER_TAG_NAME" : "my-demo-tag",

Next, create the Kubernetes secret in the vmware-functions namespace using both files as input. This requires the kubectl to be installed and access (permissions) to a deployed VMware Event Broker Appliance.

kubectl -n vmware-functions create secret generic tag-secret \
--from-file=TOKEN=simple_token.txt --from-file=VC_CREDS=vc_creds.json

In the above command, tag-secret is the name of the Kubernetes secret (which we’ll reference in the function manifest YAML later). TOKEN and VC_CREDS are the names of the environment variables holding the contents of the respective file. This can be verify with:

# inspect the data field of the secret
kubectl -n vmware-functions get secret tag-secret -o json
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "data": {
        "TOKEN": "YTFiMmMzZDRlNWY2ZzdoOGk5ajAK",
    "kind": "Secret",
    "metadata": {
        "creationTimestamp": "2021-09-06T15:00:38Z",
        "name": "tag-secret",
        "namespace": "default",
        "resourceVersion": "126008",
        "uid": "03002066-96ac-47f1-a078-e058ea437f24"
    "type": "Opaque"

Note: The content of the individual data keys in the secret (TOKEN and VC_CREDS) is base64 encoded.


VEBA functions are build and deployed as OCI-compliant images. In this example we use Docker (Dockerfile) for this purpose.

Note: Depending on your function runtime (language), creating a Dockerfile might not be required, e.g. if you’re using Cloud Native Buildpacks, ko or similar tools.

The VEBA community provides ready-to-use Powershell/PowerCLI base images. Create a minimal Dockerfile for PowerCLI:

cat << EOF > Dockerfile
COPY handler.ps1 handler.ps1
CMD ["pwsh","./server.ps1"]

Note: For convenience we use the :latest tag in this example which is discouraged (see best practices below).

The business logic of the function lives inside handler.ps1 (and will be created in the next step). VEBA Docker templates for Powershell/PowerCLI wrap the handler inside an HTTP server (server.ps1 of type HttpListener) which accepts and validates incoming CloudEvents and then passes the CloudEvent to the Process-Handler function in handler.ps1.

Function (Business Logic) with PowerCLI

In an editor, create a file handler.ps1 with the following required Function definitions:

Function Process-Init {

Function Process-Shutdown {

Function Process-Handler {

Process-Init and Process-Shutdown are hooks called by the HTTP server during startup/shutdown. These can be used to set up and gracefully shut down (on SIGTERM signal) long-running operations, e.g. a vCenter connection.

Process-Handler is where you write your business logic, e.g. to tag a virtual machine based on the incoming $CloudEvent. The full example and code can be found here (Github). Please paste the code from the linked Github example handler.ps1 into your local function to follow along with this example.

The secrets created in the earlier steps can be accessed from within the function. This is typically done during the Process-Init phase to fail early in case of environment variable parsing errors or missing values.

In an earlier step, we created a Kubernetes secret with two values: TOKEN and VC_CREDS. TOKEN is a simple test string and thus can be easily retrieved inside the function’s environment with $token = ${env:TOKEN}.

VC_CREDS is a JSON-encoded string, thus it must be decoded (“converted”) into a PSCustomObject as described in the example below:

  try {
      $jsonSecrets = ${env:VC_CREDS} | ConvertFrom-Json
   } catch {
      throw "Kubernetes secret: $env:VC_CREDS does not look to be defined"

   # Define variables for all tag secret values for ease of use in function
   # not used in this example, just to show secret as plain text to env parsing
   $TOKEN = ${env:TOKEN}

It is good practice to wrap PowerShell commands into try/catch blocks and handle errors appropriately, e.g. throwing an annotated or custom exception.

A Note on Exception Handling

The provided PowerShell/PowerCLI images in VEBA define a lose contract between the server.ps1 and handler.ps1 when it comes to exception handling:

Exceptions thrown in Process-Init will immediately terminate the whole function (i.e. the server/container) with exit code 1. VEBA will attempt to restart failed functions with backoff logic.

Exceptions thrown in Process-Handler will immediately interrupt the handler logic for the current (failed) CloudEvent but will not terminate the server. Currently, handler exceptions are not type-checked and the server will respond with HTTP INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR (500) to the caller. The caller might retry so it’s important to make the function (handler) logic idempotent (see notes further below on this matter).

Exceptions thrown in Process-Shutdown will immediately interrupt the shutdown process. The server will terminate with a successful exit code 0 since shutdown failures are not considered erroneous.

Build the Container Image

In order to deploy the function to VEBA, a container image (here using Docker) must be built and pushed to a container registry accessible for VEBA.

# adjust values to match your environment
export REGISTRY=your-docker-username/kn-pcli-tag
export TAG=1.0

# build and push image
docker build -t ${REGISTRY}:${TAG} .
docker push ${REGISTRY}:${TAG}

The Function Manifest

Create a file function.yaml to wire all components together before deploying it to VEBA.

Note: The following steps assume a working Knative environment using the default Rabbit broker. The Knative service and trigger will be installed in the vmware-functions Kubernetes namespace, assuming that the broker is also available there.

cat << EOF > function.yaml
kind: Service
  name: kn-pcli-tag
    app: veba-ui
      annotations: "1" "1"
        # as created above
        - image: your-docker-username/kn-pcli-tag:1.0
            - secretRef:
                # as created above
                name: tag-secret
            # additional env vars if needed by function
            - name: FUNCTION_DEBUG
              value: "false"

Let’s discuss some important fields here:

  • name: a unique name for the function deployment
  • annotation minimum instances to run (0 for scale-to zero)
  • annotation maximum instances to run (0 for undefined)
  • image: name of the container image you created above
  • envFrom: array with a list of secretRef to project keys from a secret into environment variables inside the function
  • env: array with a list of additional key/value strings projected as environment variables inside the function

Create an Event Trigger

In order to have your function execute on (specific) events, e.g assign a tag on a com.vmware.vsphere.DrsVmPoweredOnEvent.v0, we also need to create a Trigger.

cat << EOF >> function.yaml
kind: Trigger
  name: veba-pcli-tag-trigger
    app: veba-ui
  broker: default
      type: com.vmware.vsphere.DrsVmPoweredOnEvent.v0
      kind: Service
      name: kn-pcli-tag

Let’s discuss some important fields here:

  • name: a unique name for the trigger deployment
  • broker: register this trigger to the defined broker (default in VEBA)
  • filter.attributes: an object of CloudEvent envelop attributes, e.g. source, type or subject to filter on (cannot filter on vSphere event payload) - no filter means retrieving all events
  • subscriber.ref: if the trigger fires, where to send the CloudEvent, i.e. the function defined above

Deploy the Function in VEBA

Now deploy the function to the VMware Event Broker Appliance (VEBA).

kubectl -n vmware-functions apply -f function.yaml

Note: See the function troubleshooting documentation in case of issues.

Coding - Best Practices

Compared to writing repetitive boilerplate logic to handle VMware events, the VMware Event Broker Appliance powered by Knative makes it remarkable easy to consume and process events with minimal code required.

However, as outlined in previous sections in this guide, there are still some best practices and pitfalls to be considered when it comes to messaging in a distributed system. The following list tries to provide guidance for function authors. Before blindly applying them, thoroughly think about your problem statement and whether all of these recommendations apply to your specific scenario.

Single Responsibility Principle

Avoid writing huge function handlers. Instead of describing a huge workflow in your function or using long if/else/switch statements to deal with any type of event, consider breaking your problem up into smaller pieces (functions). This makes your code cleaner, easier to understand/contribute to and maintainable. As a result, your function will likely run faster and return early, avoiding undesired blocking behavior.

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is the philosophy behind the UNIX command line tools. “Do one job and do it well”. Solve complex problems by breaking them down with composition where the output of one program becomes the input of the next program.

⚠️ Generally, workflows should not be handled in functions but by workflow engines, such as vRealize Orchestrator (vRO). vRO and the VMware Event Broker Appliance work well together, e.g. by triggering workflows from functions via the vRO REST API. Upon completion, or for intermediary steps, vRO might call back into the appliance and leverage other functions for lightweight execution handling. Another option is coordinating workflows or task tracking triggered by events and functions through a database with strong consistency, e.g. a SQL database running in serializable snapshot isolation mode (SSI).

Deterministic Behavior

Simply speaking, given the same input to your function, it should always produce the same output to guarantee predictability and consistency. There’s always exceptions to the rule, e.g. when dealing with time(stamps) or leveraging random number generators within your function body, but those should be minimized whenever possible.

Sending an email/Slack notification, persisting data in an external state store, or printing a log line to name a few more scenarios must also be considered non-reversible side effects that may require special attention in the code path.

A side effect is an irreversible action. Since generally you cannot avoid these, it’s best to move the related logic for critical side effects to the end of the function handler (if possible). Memoizing state to prevent duplicate execution can be a useful approach to avoid undesired side effects, such as sending an email twice (also see section on idempotency below). Python pseudo-code below:

db = setup_db(user, password, db_server)
def handle(cloudevent):
  subject = cloudevent.headers.get("subject")
  event_id = cloudevent.headers.get("id")
  processed = db.get(event_id, "event_table")
  if not processed and subject == "VmPoweredOffEvent":
    send_email("alert", cloudevent)
    db.write(event_id, "event_table")

Note: Strictly speaking the pseudo-code above is flawed since send_email and db.write are not part of (the same) atomic operation (transaction). The outbox pattern, delayed processing and/or compensating transaction such as Sagas are technical solutions for such complex requirements, if a workflow engine cannot be used.

⚠️ Whenever you lookup data in the event payload received when your function is invoked, make sure to check for missing or "NULL" keys to avoid your code from throwing an unhandled exception - or worse incorrectly interpreting (missing) data. Senders might retry invoking your function with this message, leading to a potentially endless loop if not handled correctly.

Keep Functions slim and up to date

Not only for security reasons should you keep your function (and dependencies, such as libraries) up to date with patches. Patches might also include performance improvements which your code immediately benefits from.

Note: Since functions in the VMware Event Broker Appliance are deployed as container images, consider using a registry that supports image scanning such as VMware Harbor.

Try to reduce the container image size by using a container optimized function image (e.g. templates provided by the VEBA community) or use Buildpacks or Docker multi-stage builds for custom images. Remove unused libraries/files which unnecessarily bloat your image, leading to longer download and startup times.

Keep Functions “warm”

Functions deployed in VEBA in principle are HTTP servers listening for incoming HTTP POST requests (CloudEvent). The server keeps running and invokes the CloudEvent handler on every matching CloudEvent. For example the Process-Handler in handler.ps1 when using the VEBA provided PowerShell/PowerCLI templates.

Thus, stateful logic, e.g. vCenter or database connections can be initialized once and reused over the function’s lifetime to significantly improve the latency and throughput of functions.

Example in PowerCLI to initialize a vCenter connection only once during startup using Process-Init:

Function Process-Init {
   Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Processing Init`n"

   try {
      $jsonSecrets = ${env:TAG_SECRET} | ConvertFrom-Json
   } catch {
      throw "`nK8s secrets `$env:TAG_SECRET does not look to be defined"

   # Extract all tag secrets for ease of use in function

   # Configure TLS 1.2/1.3 support as this is required for latest vSphere release
   [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 -bor [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls13

   Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Configuring PowerCLI Configuration Settings`n"
   Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction:${VCENTER_CERTIFICATE_ACTION} -ParticipateInCeip:$true -Confirm:$false

   Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Connecting to vCenter Server $VCENTER_SERVER`n"

   try {
   } catch {
      Write-Error "$(Get-Date) - Failed to connect to vCenter Server"
      throw $_

   Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Successfully connected to $VCENTER_SERVER`n"

   Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Init Processing Completed`n"

Note: Your connection/session library should support “keep-alive” to periodically send a heartbeat/ping to the remote server and keep the connection open (tokens fresh). When the function terminates gracefully (SIGTERM), a shutdown handler should be used, e.g. Process-Shutdown in the provided PowerShell/PowerCLI templates.

Return early/externalize long-running Tasks

Your primary goal should be to avoid long-running functions (minutes) as much as possible. The longer your function runs, the more things can go wrong and you might have to start from scratch (which might not be possible without additional persistency and safety measures in your logic).

Usually that’s an indicator that your function can be further broken down into smaller steps or could be better handled with a workflow engine, see Single Responsibility Principle above.

If you can’t avoid long-running functions, an option is to persist the event payload (if it’s important) to a durable (external) queue or database and use dedicated workers to process these items. In such cases, an external SQL database or Knative Channels can be used (requires manual installation in VEBA).

Retries and Idempotency

The VMware Event Broker Appliance provides several safety measures for message delivery and tries to reliably deliver events to the configured event processor, e.g. functions in Knative. Once an event is accepted and persisted in the broker, the broker attempts multiple retries if the invoked function does not return with a successful HTTP 2xx response.

Thus, functions must be written so that they can be safely invoked at-least-once (i.e. one or more times) with the same input (event). To achieve deterministic behavior and avoid side effects (see above), message deduplication, e.g. based on the CloudEvent id, should be performed.

One option is to send and persist the event to an external (durable) datastore or queue and continue to process it from there. If this fails a log message can be produced with debugging information (critical event payload) or the event sent to a backup system, e.g. dead letter queue (DLQ) which can be configured in the broker (manual step in VEBA).

Out of Order Message Arrival

Even though unlikely due to the underlying TCP/IP guarantees, but nevertheless possible depending on event delivery issues, concurrency, retries, etc. dealing with out of order message arrival in your function/downstream logic might be a requirement.

Depending on the incoming event, e.g. a CloudEvent created by the vcenter event provider in VEBA, a function can use a specific ordering key (if available) to detect out-of-order (and even missing data) in an event stream. These capabilities naturally require simple (external database lookup) or more complex stateful stream processing (Kafka Streams, etc.).

Note: Depending on your logic, it might still be desired to account for late arriving data. This is usually the case for stream processors. You might found this paper on windowing and watermarks an interesting read.

The following Python pseudo-code function example uses an external database to store the last processed vcenter event key to detect out-of-order arrivals. To speed up processing, this value can be cached in memory in addition to persisting it in an external datastore/cache such as Redis.

db = db.init()
last_key = db.load("last_key", "vc-keys-table")
def handle(cloudevent):
  key = cloudevent.get("Key", 0)
  if key >= last_key:
    # do work
    last_key = key"last_key", last_key, "vc-keys-table")
      log.error("out of order event received")

Support Debugging

There’s one guarantee in distributed systems: Things will go wrong. Besides writing safe, secure and deterministic code (see earlier sections), it’s also important to provide useful and correct debugging information by logging to standard output (which then can be forwarded to a centrally logging system for durability).

Here’s another pseudo-code example (Python) which does not meet these requirements:

def handle(req):
  print('stored event in database')

If store_event fails, the person troubleshooting your function (you?) will have a hard time.

Either rephrase the print statement to “storing …” or, better, put it after the function call.Consider using a structured logging library that supports consistently formatted and parsable output with different log levels, e.g. DEBUG, WARN, etc.

Logging should be encompassed with robust exception handling, e.g. caused by unexpected payloads, schema issues, network or database problems.

Note: Avoid logging sensitive data, such as usernames, passwords, account information, etc.

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